I like the idea. Personally I take Tetto'eko when I want to have fun with vanguard, if it comes to magic, he just makes up for my slann which...
1 Sacred, powerful, dedicated, oldest, tough 2 Kroak, Tehenhauin, Chakax 3 That saurus and skinks look like bees in hive but Slanns also don't...
There always was, so it shouldn't be different, but probably video looked better and more funny without it. I'm intrigued how flying creatures and...
I think that old ones should go back to us :-) But seriously, I like the change but it is too powerful for this price, and should be possible to...
If you want to see the game: [MEDIA] Looks like they really make the game we could want. We can even see the vortex spell (but no one dies...
Yes, I think that RoR wasn't made for 8th, but can be easily transferred to it. Do you know where one can find those books in internet (I assume...
I thought that some sort of expansions index could be helpful (especially for noobs like me) . I think about both - official and unofficial,...
We thought that hatred works in shooting attacks. About three battles where dwarfs had hatred on everything made us check the rules
I hope they will use some colours to make it easier to read :)
I think the PF should work in supporting attacks. Not because it is good, but because it makes rolling dice easier.
I know everyone is busy with making new rules, reading new rules, hating new rules etc. but maybe someone will have time to say something about...
Skink cavalry as core unit! But it should be rather the song of the future
I think everyone should start posts from the name of the system :-D Openhammer looks like someone is doing their own game. "Maybe someone other...
It would be hard NOT to agree with this. Looks like Sweds are changing less things. I'm curious about how they will see Lizardmen, but after...
Ok, it looks like they want to simplify units. It's good for competitive game, because it is much easier to make a balanced point system, but it...
[img] Here you go :D I haven't bought my Salamanders mostly because I hate their look, so I would definitely bought this predator.
I thought you might want to see this: http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?57174-Age-of-Sigmar-Azyr-Composition-Rules-1-0b Looks...
Whoah, I have to say it looks great!
I hate all these "Lets start KoW!" whining but I'm more and more convinced to it after reading opinions and informations about balance in AoS. In...
That is tough one. I would make one test to keep it simple and damage goes into unit - if wizard can be hit when unit shoots, so why can't unit be...