Yeah i wanted to do this . Thank you very much guys! @spawning of Bob I think you would like to know that, as I can recall, I don't like taste of...
I heard that it is, but I don't eat fish because I'm The fish. Salmo trutta trutta is called in Poland "Troć Wędrowna" (Nomadic Troć). Troć is...
Ok, i have been thinking about this for a loooong time. @n810 I need you to make me an avatar! (please?). I would like to have some sort of...
That's why Slann can summon other lizards. I think it may mean that other races have to travel through gates from one dimension to other. Slanns...
Do you count warscrolls in battalions into overall limit of warscrolls? Can you say what would be good for good old 2500, 2000, 1500 points games?
Instructions unclear, penis stuck in the Stegadon. But I think you are right.
Oh, it does support big army games :rolleyes: : "You put this so I put this. Ok, then I put this. Haha! Then I field this! [two hours later] Ok,...
I think there is a potential in this game. Since you can't but new army book it means everything will be on the warscrolls. But why those doesn't...
Can't say "Alleluja" to that :rolleyes:
I can't agree with you rant. Of course no one likes to spend tons of money but apperance of new characters seem good too me. And with my monthly...
My dwarf friend was a bit excited about the AoS until he realised that i have better beard (one of the rules requiers you to have better beard...
Magic, and summoning is a spell, happens in heroes phase. I think every unit (or most at least) are to be placed minimum 9" from enemy. @Avak786...
Ok, so I read Dwarfs and Lizardmen scroll and few topics here. Many of you say that you can put just a Slann and summon the rest of the army but i...
I d on't think that there is problem with too many units. I read somewhere that the players, thanks to simplicity of new system, will make they...
I like how empire minis are associated with Geld - in the post end times fluff it seems logic. Still I fully agree with Rikard.
Once I was told that mostly you should use 1 dispell dice more than opponents throw, because you obviously need better result than his....
Technically no, it is written in spell. I think it would be pretty ratty to demand from LM player to have all those models only for this one...
Personally I love to throw at least 4 dice on solar beam (when I have Slann), mostly 6 (without Slann). Of course it doesn't work every time but...
Agreed. Extreme example to prove that: Lone Chakax charges building with lonely empire lvl 1 wizard. He has to issue a challenge but the wizard...
I like Dinomokks explanation. But what happens when character under spell joins a unit?