i condone a sense of freedom to the character i dont have much time and im including you in the story 1. lizardy name 2.your city
dark i need youre lizardy name and city so hurry hurry
i need 1 more lord, you're appointed city and name please
you know nothing sauric ace......
A Game Of Scales When the celestial council of the chosen of the old ones takes place at the city of eternal judgement, 15 lords of the most...
love it
come now bob no need for hostilities, *moves spear head away from nasal region.* the thing is i can post it but im not sure if a) it would catch...
well in a book i have just read, sky titans do exist but are: a) dwindiling and dying out b) they live in albion c) some are tainted by chaos the...
it is a bit unfair that i am categorized into 'cold one', i may be lost, i may be an Omnipotent but naive old one but i'm not cold. much... BTW...
hehe okay guys, spears down come on. CROSSSS OVERRR ah marhlect, well what do you want crossover or story?? *slowly begins to climb temple away...
did i say spear.. *ahem i mean spear of tlanxa , now away with you bob my stories, my sweet 4 stories i have saved up and unreleased, they are......
<looks around at lots of Lizardmen> you wanted me to post them anyway ? *backs into corner with spear*
NOOO I MISSED, ahhhhghhghgh I missed the comp, it went right under my scaly nose, I'll have to be on the watch for the next one
We'll for a start the name of myself is one shrouded in mystery and legend for those who know their lore, I will release a short description of my...
Much wow, such work
Sure and OH MY GOD, whyyy?? WHY AM I A HIDEOUS RAT(no offense y'ttar) bring back my ethereal bumbling old one self, and by Dow 2 I mean...
Dear great warden Please may you write more and more and more AND MORE AND MORE AND MOARR!!!! fluff on flora and fauna, I'm sort of creating a...
What I liked about the boats is the templeship, i think that if a temple city is near to the sea or an ocean like yours is I like the idea of a...
Wrong, second image before the bottom with the wine and the model next to the wine is a 1980s ambull.
Can you spot the 1980s model in there and tell me what it is?