YIKES, that would be one crap-tacular unit of futility!! Given that one skink chief is hard to justify at the best of times, fielding multiples in...
There are a couple builds that can actually be useful but mainly for protecting other stuff by using the rules for MC that stop cannon balls when...
They cannot be stomped since the FAQ classified them as unique units as follows: Q: Can you Stomp or Thunderstomp a unit of Skinks that contains...
A lot will depend on the type of vamp list you are facing. A combat heavy vamp list will move fast and strike hard with cavalry and characters...
I would agree that selecting the best SS save is not explicitly stated. However, the approach would be consistent with the rules for ward saves...
I think this is covered on page 66 under the rules regarding having a "special rule" multiple times. As per the FAQ, "However, unless otherwise...
Page 76 under stupidity: The start specifically states that "models that are subject to stupidity are also immune to psych". In the next para,...
My view was based solely on the old book, not the latest codex, and it would make sense for it only to work for daemons.
Toelobe, Just learned how to use Battle Chronicler so hopefully this will help clarify a few things for you. PS - Many thanks to asrodig for...
Just one quick observation regarding the carnie lord build - it currently has two enchanted items (pendant & VoFFF) so one will have to go. I...
Dark elves are a very mobile and lethal army but they do have a couple weaknesses: 1) They are elves and hence very squishy; and 2) low armour...
Unfortunately not. The talisman only protects the rider when the rider and mount can be attacked separately (i.e. when the mount is a monster or...
Against HE & WoC, sallies should do well unless they go with all cav lists. Your vamp ally should be able to handle the DP between a combo of...