The book specifically states that it is to "upgrade skinks to have poison attacks" so only the skinks get the poison although it would be nice as...
The BRB indicates that the standard bearer is slain "immediately" after the unit breaks. If the standard is the last model in the unit, then there...
I would agree with most suggestions already made with the following exceptions: 1) SV Cowboy for ethereals - The express purpose of this bad boy...
Agreed. Glad that it was Greenmachine and not myself that had to face them!
@Greenmachine: Yes, that was a fantastic tourney and I would highly recommend it to anyone. Since the thread is already here, I might as well add...
@HDCT: Thanks, that makes it really simple to understand. Hard to believe we were doing it different looking at it laid out in that nice, orderly...
Our local group has always played it that vanguard does impact the +1 to go first but after playing out of town I discovered we seemed to be in...
The sallies should be kept as they are one of the few ways of "safely" inflicting wounds on the hoard of nurgle warriors - much safer than tossing...
A number of items so I will address them sequentially: 1) WRT - with respect to :D 2) Slaan hideout - the slaan's footprint does not fit any...
Biggest problem I see is where is the slaan going to hide out? Between the DP and potential chimera, it would be very hard to avoid combat very...
Just watched Avatar again and couldn't help but notice how similar the ripper models are to the mountain banshee and tetrapteron (the two flying...
For housekeeping, the slaan cannot have a scroll and chanelling staff as he is restricted to single arcane magic item. Now, apart from that, it...
This list is for an upcoming tourney involving 6 games over two days that effectively plays all the pitched battles on page 141 except watchtower....
There are no longer restrictions on the skavenpelt banner in the new book so it provides frenzy to any unit the slaan joins, including TG....
While raising more swarms is nice, it is not going to win any games. An opponent may very well let the basilidons and swarms propagate while...
Here a few ideas for helping get the carnies successfully into combat: 1) Basilidons - they are much slower than the rest of the army and will...
I would agree with DT's suggestion to drop the basillydons and use the slaan for casting. If the slaan is dropped, then another SV will be...
First rule of thumb is to work on your own army first and try to master the rules for them before worrying about everything else. This allows you...
The references for the rules others have mentioned are on page 127 under template weapons and the third para on flaming attacks on page 69. Of...
Just checked the book and the blowpipes do have the "multiple-shot rule" and are indeed 18" range (my bad, I was thinking about the javelinchukka...