Looking back at my earlier post, most of what worked in the old book would remain valid. Changes in fighting with the new book would be as...
Not to flog a dead horse here but just one issue if you are opting to have the fanatic pass through a unit with windblast. At what point is it...
The wording states that if it comes in contact it is stopped 1" away, which means it never really touches the unit - something that strikes me as...
In reading the Wind Blast spell description, it specifically states that if the target unit (in this case, the fanatic) comes into contact with...
I also play woodelves and I can fully attest that five regular models or 3 monstrous inf/cav constitute a rank for steadfast since it means having...
The rules for blowpipes are detailed on page 30 of the AB and include the following: "Multiple Shots (2), Poisoned Attacks" Range 12"...
It remains a shield and thus adds to the armour save after the one use only ward save. However, it remains a magical shield and thus cannot be...
Thanks, you are too kind. I figure I have to get a good post in every once in a while just through the sheer odds of probability :D
I am running two MSU Ripper units and have about half a dozen games with them against O&G, daemons, high elves, lizzies, WoC and ogres. Here are...
As DT has indicated, ward saves are allowed against hits caused by miscasts. However, the 1-3 result on a dimensional cascade occurs after the S10...
As per page 97 under "Position in the unit" If there is room in the front rank for the slaan, then he must go there. In this instance, since 4 of...
(page 26, bold print under marching). A leadership check is required to march when non-fleeing enemy are within 8" of the unit at the start of...
For any non-random movement monster, (phoenix, hydra, giants, etc.) they are subject to all the normal rules for charging. That being the case,...
The Ripper or Terradon selection needs to be based on what the skink chief is going to be doing. In many cases, he is going to be a disposable...
Even better, for 5 more points put him on a ripper. Downside is frenzy but the upside is 3 vice 1 mount attacks along with AP & KB. Also, due to...
Yes, the attacks are magical but it does not state that in the description. The main FAQ has a question that indicates all attacks from magical...
In the old book it was necessary to completely resolve one sallie template attack and remove casualties before proceeding with another template...
I have been experimenting with multiple units of rippers and they tend to be rock, paper, scissors in most games. Against low armour save S3or4/T3...
Although it may seem quite silly, the BoWD does indeed protect a HE wizard and their unit from most of the miscast results that inflict damage. As...
As DT has indicated, the language is quite specific in that the initiative boost does not stack. However, it does boost everything in the army...