It does not appear to be the case as there is no exception to the rule prohibiting characters from joining flying units (p. 97) as was previously...
The SV build has too many magic items - the weapon alone eats up all the magic points allocation. Even if that is fixed however, I don't think...
I only started playing toward the end of 6th ed so 5th ed is out of my league :) However, I'll check our local store as they have a veritable...
IIRC, the rule for saurus was the "predatory fighting" rule with the fluff indicating saurus were particularly savage when in direct combat....
By the rules on p. 110 of the BRB, war machine crews do not need to rally - they simply miss one turn of shooting after failing a panic check and...
If your vamp opponent is fielding just zombies & ghouls without any of the big nasty vamp units (black knights, vargheists, mortis engine, etc),...
As Dyvim Tvar has indicated there is no rule that specifically covers this issue. The primary reason for this is that the lizzie book is an older...
Yes, scaly skin does count in toward the armour save when using the lore of metal. As for not making sense, I gave up worrying about game logic...
I generally use two factors to determine unit size and formation: 1) the main role of the unit within the army and; 2) the nature of the opposing...
Re: how do you all deal with the inadequacies of temple guar @Scalenex: While I also usually run a horde of TG, I think the number to be fielded...
Re: how do you all deal with the inadequacies of temple guar Without further information as to why or how your TG failed, it is difficult to...
Re: Buckeye Battles Recap -- Carnosaur List First 2 games Congrats on two very well earned wins! Sounds like a blast with great opponents and...
In theory, carnie is a pretty good mount that can really dish out a lot of damage (i.e. S7 attacks doing d3 wounds each + S7 thunderstomp)....
Glad to help out Skillful Dan. When you miscast as often as I do, necessity does prove to be the mother of invention :D
Arli has covered the major and most effective ways of completely avoiding the hellheart. Here are a few other ideas that may help since a) cupped...
I agree with Skillful Dan that 2 units of 5 chamos each would be a better approach. The points can be freed up by removing the champs from the...
Previously, "unmodified LD" was just that, unmodified, and consisted of the LD value listed in the respective army book without any adjustments...
The BoR and the entire issue of what constitutes "unmodified leadership" have been severely confused by conflicting FAQs, the most recent of which...
In order of the questions and only addressing the flame variant phoenix since the ice one does not resurrect: 1) Skinks poison shooting, it only...
The answer is available, albeit indirectly, in the BRB on page 105 as already alluded to. As per the 2nd para of chariot mount rules, a chariot...