Not quite sure why you are using metal for anything, even chaos dwarves, as it really isn't all that great in tandem with lizzie capabilities....
Since the death sniping spells are direct damage, the most effective way of countering them is through a combination of ward save & MR. That being...
I have had to deal with similar ogrestars and while they are definitely tough, they are by no means impossible to tackle. Given that the typical...
Going against Empire, the list appears poorly tailored to face the hordes of 1+ cavalry you are likely to face (core knights, reiknights & chicken...
The most effective solution is to use anything in the list with flaming attacks and a good chance to hit & wound (i.e. blade of chotec, flaming...
Page 39, Shooting Into Combat, specifically prohibits this in the very first sentence. Also, note that no "accidental" shooting into combat is...
The specific references that address this issue are: 1) Page 31 - 1st and 4th bullet points under Choosing a Target and the description for...
I have three general rules for using big monsters: 1) charge in tandem with a ranked unit for the reasons Dyvim Tvar has outlined (based on the...
Just keep in mind that since dwellers is a direct damage spell, the targeted unit must be within the forward arc of the slaan and, as David I has...
In my experience, LM can do well in smaller games (~1000 points) but the focus and nature of the army build changes when no slaan is present....
That seems like a solid vamp list with a very good general running it so there are no easy ways of dealing with anything. By the sounds of it, the...
Re: First Encounter with Skaven... and Dreaded 13th. Any adv Excellent summation and advice by Dan, he truly is skillful :D Regarding...
Sallies will absolutely be worth bringing IMHO as even a single round of shooting on elite elf troops will allow them to more than earn their...
Let's not forget this is an alliance battle and the lizzies don't have to do all the heavy lifting. Here are a few ideas for what each army can...
That definitely looks better. The three unit rule is on page 134 of the BRB. As for the list itself, I personally prefer to go skrox vice saurus...
In addition to having VotFF twice, the list also fails to meet the minimum requirement of 3 units. Also, not sure what GSS is on the BSB.
The skink priest build is illegal (two arcane items) and the earlier build with sword of the hornet and VoFFF would not work since VoFFF only...
I think with a few minor changes and a good battle plan you should be able to get the better of the beastmen. Beastmen have almost no armour and...
As per BRB page 97, a character can only join a unit during the movement phase. Unfortunately, the wording here is poor and it should clearly...
Scalenex's treatise on skrox covers just about every eventuality short of a new AB that provides some red-crested skink option with a mighty T3!!...