The new seraphon teleport ability Is Able to cast at the start of hero phase or i can cast it when i want?:)
If you drop eotg and warden you can put another stegadont and 3 razodont! They see amazing vs letters and hordes in general!!:)
I love that list!one drop lists arte so rare in this metà i predict. And your plan Is amazing! Tell me how it works if you test it soon :)
hi all guys, excuse me but I have a question not about seraphon. Infusion arcanum Is tz lore of fate spell, it gives +1hit/wound to the casters....
I don't like eternal starhost , but if you can teleport 15 guards and summon a worden. I prefer run 15 guards instead of eternity starhost...
@darren watson With kroak you can teleport more then one unit every turn?
But they need wildwoods to do it, and kournos hunters are expensive now, i think sylvaneth are nerfed so mutch now
I think it's an error! I'm waiting my gh17 Italian version! Its pretty stupid If officially the answer Is command abilityes! As you have said...
I think with gh17 seraphon new abilityes summon+ teleport Is really interesting. You can teleport a big unit and summon like handlers or...
Hi! This list Is very solid! My suggest can be remove priest and starpriest for summon an astrolith saurus that can buff your 40 warriors! His...
My suggest Is : take 2 sally more( 80 pts) and summon handlers . If you do that you can tp Sally on enemy face and tp handlers to buff them' you...
Ok thx a lot!:)
1 razodont because i think if alone Is more usefull then a sally .. He got more range and attacks. I use him just because i got 40 points to...
About sunclaw starhost there arte no Faq that said sunblood saurus has to be near units of the battalion for +1 attack with jaw s and -1 rend bonus?:)
I didn t know about artifact. About slann i know it, the plan was 1 turn sally + summon handlers and i can shoot , after 40 saurus teleport plus...
hi all guys, the ability of +3 run and charge is for scar veteran on cold one/carno or only for units of knights?:)
hi all, tons of new stuffs for seraphon! I wanna post my first attempt list for gh2 Old blood carno 280 -general -mighty war leader (cast his...
thx , with new GHB do you think to change your list ? XD
Ye i have red the answer in this post:) Immagine haevenswatch battalion:Unfortunatly I have to deploy handlers too because they are part of...
Guys handlers and salamanders count as different units?so I can t teleport that two units together right?