On that I hope if that's the case they do what they did with sylvaneth and give us a sneak peak at stuff
I really feel like it should be released on 29th. That's pretty much a month since the reveal. Obviously if there's a shipping and customs issue...
But if we are preorder on the 22nd for release on 29th technically it would have been a march release of it wasn't a leap year lol. How cool would...
Pre orders announced tomorrow hoepfully. 3rd time lucky or is it 4th time
I always switch the country to new Zealand lol
From the pre order page on gw for our warcry cards
Here's some abilities
Here's a cold one from warcry
Where did you see this. Did you see any numbers on the weapon profiles?
I don't know what gw are thinking really. They are so inconsistent with reveals and follow up releases. Tzeentch and KO were revealed Xmas day and...
Hold it together guys our time is nearly here. Its been a pleasure. Will see you all on the other side.
It normally goes up about 6pm UK time. I will be driving to my flgs between half 5 and 6 and have no data left lol. The closer we get to it the...
Dare I get my hopes up for today? I was pretty sure it would be last week. Although I. Convinced the old ones are toying with me because if it's...
A whole week pre order for one model. Surely they can slip our book and terrain in that week aswell
I'm hoping all saurus get the ogor treatment and go 3+ to hit and 3+ to wound also on their bites. Knights could go a couple of ways I think....
Really don't want to kill your excitement but if we are announced for pre order on Sunday evening it will be Monday at the earliest for a sneak...
They posted a thing about the warcry llama monster thing. So I imagine that will be up for preorder next week. But hopefully we can be preorder...
It's happening. Looks like sunday could be the pre order announcement
I'll tell you the thing that bothers me. The pre orders are announced on Sundays and pre order is the following Saturday. Then the book don't come...
Will try. Last week was hard enough though lol