Tau were revealed at lvo right? U less we are getting so much we get our own preorder page then it has to be next week. Think I'd rather they...
It's bullshit. Has to be next week then.
Normally between half 5 and 6 so. Etimes abit after 6
That's not the pre order announcement though. So fingers still crossed
On the warhammer community site Im sure I read athe lumineth are getting news every 2 weeks which will point to a march release. Hope is still...
Let's focus our celestial powers of positivity today to enable gw to announce the pre order
So nothing there really points to anything in our new book other then we keep a teleport which most guessed we would keep especially for the starborne
So just seen a review of the wrath of the everchosen book. It appears we get seige abilities in it but I couldn't read what they were. May give us...
Really hope it's announced on Sunday. Probably gonna be disappointed though. I think it's worse knowing the book is coming lol. Just wanna see...
+3 on Carno would be sweet would also like to see it gain 2 wounds. Most other monster are 14wounds why not ours?. Would like our shields to...
Got a feeling we could see a lore article either this afternoon or tomorrow (probably tomorrow) ready for pre order announcement on Sunday and a...
Think it could be announced this Sunday as that will put release as 15th of Feb (at least that's what I'm hoping) most of the open day stuff is...
OK so some predictions to keep the excitement going. Coalesced could be a subfaction in which you get the ability of scaley skin which could...
Yes probably something to do with summoning but what if the blue lightning is celestial energy and it embues starborne seraphon with extra abilities
I really thought we would be up for preorder this Saturday. But hopefully it's announced this Sunday for the following Saturday. So excited, hope...
Not sure. Do they normally do faction focus things before pre order announcement?
I think we could be up for ore order next Saturday. If I remember the fyreslayer reveal last year did the same. Hope I'm right
Yesterday a shipment manifest leaked showing seraphon warscroll cards. May not see a reveal at lvo as it could be a 6-10weeks out
So we now know a book is coming which could still be a month or so away. Let's have some predictions and see who gets closest. Just abit of fun to...
There was an astrolitic skyshrine leaked on a manifest awhile ago. Astrolitic pretty close to astrolith lol. Maybe that's our terrain piece