What if there's a seraphon vs sons of behemet
Now the shipping thing has leaked it may force gw's hand to reveal seraphon and giants at lvo
There's a guy on tga who googled and found shipping for the gargant stuff shipped on the 20th Jan but also searched seraphon warscroll cards and...
Maybe we should all bombard the Facebook community page asking when seraphon are coming lol. I just want a rough date of when to expect them. Of...
So next week is lvo do people think we will get our reveal?
Some of the new books seem to be taking inspiration from old efb books. So we could see some old things like scaly skin return. But what if this...
The only thing keeping me going is a slim chance we are getting a huge update with new models. There was a rumour new models had been done but...
So summer then lol. Anyone know what time the afternoon reveal is although based on that panel answer I know it's not gonna be seraphon
Yeah there's a small bit of hope for this afternoon but at this point I'm beginning to think we won't be for awhile
Correct year. Wrong month . Let's hope they don't go for a 5th anniversary release as I think our book came november/December 2015. Could not have...
Actually there was a leaked product list that points to slaves release on the 14th Dec. My guess is we are early next year duel release with...
I think I get what you mean. So would be better if on a 5+ artefact is destroyed then they take d3 mortals( from the item exploding)?
No more rolling for teleport and we got our own spell lore. Everything else is pretty much the same
It's got be ours surely. The scales are exact the same as the carno
To bring this back to seraphon.... I've been thinking that the scale rumour engine pic could from a seraphon underworlds model. As season 3 is...
Spawning pool all but confirmed ;-)
It's obviously the back of brand new plastic kroxigor
What's this then
Actually he only admitted to dual accounts. Still he got a lot wrong