Really? Because personally I find it to be good enough. And I've seen stuff online saying that it is one of the most balanced in AoS.
If our new book is along the lines of the Ogor Mawtribes, I'll be happy. It's the most balanced book of the lot.
I quite enjoy that most of these memes are using the prophet. Just shows that even in meme form skinks are supreme!
This is not allowed to be this accurate, especially destruction
I'm honostly now under the impression, that we only got to see the battletome and terrain piece because of the leak. Otherwise GW seriously hates us
I will say though, those Orruk models are amazing
Give us something crazy like how the stormcast have the 3 dragon battalion, but let ours be like 4 DreadSaurians. (Which for just the saurians...
They wont, but it would be glorious
Seen on facebook that all the warcry cards for Seraphon were leaked onto reddit. Couldnt find the picture there but I seen it. However it was...
Seraphon are on the MARCH. So possibly in June!!
I'm going to say it's the giant army SoB. But I've seen people saying that it could be a chaos dwarf shield. However from the look of it, it seems...
Agreed. If a story were to be written about a small warband of Seraphon that have become real, it could be interesting however. But in order to...
When you say the models are not the best I'll assume you mean the sculpts. Which I can understand, the amount of resin in the line is annoying,...
For me it has to be the Ogor Mawtribes
4:30 left
Let the sacrifices begin!
Seems the quad will be universal, nice.
Kinda looks like the Alpha, so seems that they will be pretty cheap
Not that it could mean anything, but I was talking to one of the employees at my local GW, and he said we might not see the new book for a few...
Just a bit of clarification for the ogor bits, AoS ogors have 4 wounds each. In Warcry the basic ones have 30 wounds, and the leader variants have...