For skinks Blue contrast the body, color the scales darker. Do the frill lighter. Red contrast shield Bronze weapons
It definatly is
Christ lads, I go to sleep for a few hours and come back to 105 messages. But I'm super excited for the new book.
Perhaps GW will rework the giants warscroll into something that is usable
I mean, an army of giants would be pretty hard to hurt while on foot. But I can see them as in a similar state as ogors. High wounds, lowish save
I cant see them being super powerful since 2in range 25mm bade hordes are the ultimate killers.
They could do what the ogors have, where each model counts as multiple. Just give the Gargent keyword and I'll be happy
I'm down for that
The astral projection of Lord Kroak, simply blinking and having the enemy forces ripped apart. What a sight it could be
You dont know how hard it is to not laugh at that in the middle of a bus
I've always seen Saurus Knights as the closest thing we have to heavy infantry
I'm sticking with it being Destruction. They also only have 3 armies, so it would make sense for a boost to their numbers at some point
Whole heartedly agreed. It's not like GW is against giving armies natural 3+ saves. With the Dwarves Ironbreakers, hell all of bonereapers. Would...
I would love for saurus to just be nigh undying bodies.
Love it, only wish it had a fourth panel on it that just showed memories of the lizard attacking
So terrifying that evan the bonereapers run!
I'm still holding out for it to be for a better Maneater kit. But making a new giant for Warcry could be interesting. Currently I'm just using...
Ah, see I'm in the mindset that the boot will be Ogors. And this shield or Gutplate aswell. But what I have seen on Facebook is that this could be...
That would lead to 2 rumor engines for ogors
I think that could be fun