Not to sure what you are asking here, could you repeat it?
I walk everywhere but its typically pretty hard for most vehicles. Hut when I'm in I always have to jack the seat back as far as possible
I am very much a person of wanting big things even if I have to wait. So I would be totally fine with the wait for a massive update. Good question
To just be happy in life and 42
No, nor is the Earth round, it's just a big lump thats semi circular being dragged through space.
Currently trying to figure out to kill Bonereapers. Considering that that can make most, if not all of their army a 3+ or better save
Hey all, thought that I would do an AMA on here for the fun of it. I'll respond to anything and everything asked, so go wild!
I would say the same, maybe salamanders will be useful against them, but I think that most things with high rend and damage will be needed.
I'll be splitting the box with a friend. But honostly I'm not sure how most factions are going to kill them. I think that once we see the points...
Generals Handbook 2019 and the Battlescribe and Warhammer AoS apps. Those will be what you use the most anyway
Where are you seeing the warscrolls for ogres?
That's why I'm not so worried about when it will come out. We know it's coming, the longer we wait, the better it will be
If you are a "Programming God" could you link some of your work? I dont know programming at all, so I need to see examples in order to believe...
I believe that it was shown again so that people reading just that post would know what was being talked about.
Well they all will have +2 to movement when outside of 3" of the enemy. So they wont be as slow as you think. Hopefully. Either way, they are...
In light of the Mawtribes, the 6 sub-factions were shown. 3 that affect the Ogres 3 that affect the Beast Riders Honostly the two that caught my...
I also like the +1 to attacks for melee weapons. It's like an ogre waaagh in a way. Just smaller. And potentially really powerful. Just look at...
You would be 100% correct in this assumption LizardWizard. I'm good with the owners of the store and everyone is really chill about it. Also, they...
I mean for 60pts, it's alright. But it did 1 wound in 3 games. Died to anything that fought it first turn. BUT Dropping him in melee against...