Well it worked on me atleast. Super excited for the new Ogre Mawtribes. I quite like the new spells and prayer they got. Should be fun to use and...
Dont forget about its 4d6 stomp attacks at -2 rend. Absolutely devastating
I personally cant wait for the new ogre book, been looking to pick up a second army now that I have 2k points and ogres are just what i wanted.
Just got home from the League. Went 2-1. Felt good, the Skink Chief was totally worth it!
Like I said, i dont know balance or how i would do all of that, all that well, however I did mean for that Command ability to only be used once...
What's everyone's idea on new units and battalion? *Obligatory I have no idea how to stat units or come up with battalion abilities* My thoughts...
With the 2nd game approaching (22nd) there has been a limit removed in the league. They currently sit here. 300 points week 2 Battleline: 1...
Sounds good to me, sadly I dont have any skink handlers and my Saurus gaurd are not painted or I would totally use them. And the Demensional Blade...
So today is the first day of the Escaltion League. Final rules have been made and this is what I've come up with. General: Saurus Sunblood...
Saurus gaurd are 80pts so that would leave me with 60, but sadly I dont own any endless spells, but I might still use this with an Eternity warden...
Game went great, won it in turn 4 due to having to much shooting and a full health Carno right on top of the opponents last lord (Stormcast...
So next week is the start of season 2 of my stores escalation league. As the title says, its 300pts. Not sure what to expect, but this is my...
Thanks for catching the 70pts Saurus lol, was a typo. However, I never knew that I needed skink handlers for the battlion. I'll remember that for...
Yeah my size would make me a Kroxigor in comparison haha. But thank you all for the warm welcome to the community
So later today I will be playing in a 1600pts game. This will not only be my first time using Thunderquake, but also skinks. Along with that, it's...
Hello all, I've spent the past couple of months lurking through this forum and finally decided to make an account and join yall in discussions....