As OnG was my intro army into WFB, and I ran nothing but NG, trust me when I say your opponent WILL tell you at that 8" mark. They are watching,...
Oh excellent excellent! Thank you both, now I can spring-board and grow my army. With those point frames I can now (re) begin my list building....
So getting back into fantasy from 40k... I have no idea what point games I should list build even basic stuff for. The BRB just says Choose a...
Whoa thank you Kroq, very nice and great place to start. Spawning of Bob, yeah... just make sure that "search" is carefully worded. Tyranids,...
Thanks to both of you, oh wise lizards. I'm really looking forward to building this army, and I hope my start is in the right direction....
First and foremost, about the super-heavy giant lizard carrying a whole city of skinks: Whoa (a'la Joey). Thanks so much for those responses and...
This was a great BatRep thanks! Of my local players, there is a Beastman army (that I have yet to fight) so seeing some of their strengths and...
Hi, still a young skink here so if this is out there already I apologize. Looking through a friends old Warhammer book, Lustria, in the back...
Hello everyone, enjoying a slow return to fantasy after a bit of a 40k reprieve. I started with goblins (no orcs!) many moons ago, and as the...
Welcome, from one newb to another. We moved from the Hive to the Spawning Pool. I'm excited for zee leezards too!
Thanks for the reply @rychek. Why can Tetto'eko get in the 2nd rank with skinks? Is that their special rule? And how would that effect any...
Greetings lizards! As my first post I wanted to get a quick idea of where to take some lizards I've recently come upon. I'll do a full intro in...