'Cuz 42 was copyright. ;)
Re: Dice Pledges Sounds great! I figure I would want 1-2 for a Carno, 1-2 for Steg, 1 for Bastillidon, and 1 for Slann... Updated my order post!
Origin: Skroxigor are terrible http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=12758 *Edited chronologically for clarity*
What if you could have Unridden Caronos? Some that are prodded by skink handlers? Or Maybe they are "babby" Carons" that are being trained?
*cough*Sacred Spawnings*cough*
Re: Dice Pledges *ORDER REPOSTED* - 10-18-13 - After the Color Restrictions
Here's a single place to put quotes that are just funny enough to be logged. Some standards: Keep it clean please. Bob's Musings are too funny...
Re: Spawning of Bob - The Legions of Los'tmabo'tl new Ch6 - I thought this was really funny..... They I started actually pronouncing the...
I have a feeling you wanted them to be core this edition? :D
Re: Divided We Fall, a Skink's Quest, Part One and Two of Fo Very nice. Keep it coming!
I have all of them, but the Campaign... I started collecting LM with the 6th edition book. The Sacred Spawning where too cool. <.<
Re: IoB Rat ogres to Kroxigor conversion Very nice! ;)
Re: does anybody ealse want a custom Avatar ? I'll take my Friend of Bob image colored. ;)
I loved the Cannon Ball catching Carno... That was good. ;)
Slann should be Slow-King. ;)
Bob's Mask is coolerest... +1
I really love the Kroak-Bomb lists. It's just too much fun ;)
There doesn't seem to be a rule about how you base your figures... Would it be possible to base your Skin on a Saurus base, and have him stack-up...
I definitely like the your Troglodon better.... Too bad GW is too arrogant to make any major changes to the monster now...
In the book there is a section where a whole army teleports to cut a Dark Elf army off from running away with a powerful artifact. Or they could...