Yeah, that's what I thought (and ordered). But is it known as the "2009" version? I'm returning the item, but for future reference, I just want to...
So I bought a 1997 and a 2009 version of the Lizardmen army books to go with my 2003 version. I got the 1997 one (I'm more of a collector that I...
It's amazing what you can do with a airbrush...
Very nice!
That would be cool. Is there any speculation on when the new book will come out? Last time I bough the Lizarmen army book, a new one came out a...
Re: Greek Total Conversion Army (including armies on parade :jawdrop: Very nice conversion! What did you use for the shields? ;) Have fun...
Update. :) (Check first post) Priming is done. Next is painting the scales, then washing with the Wonder wash.
I really like the display bases. ;) Great job.
Hmmm.... I wonder if cutting it right above the hand would be a better idea.... I like the two prongs as well... Well, I guess cutting it on the...
At the Blue, or the red? [attach]
Thanks. ;) I haven't seen many giant-hammer wielding Saurus heroes, but it was one of the first things that popped into my head while looking at...
Well, might as well get started! I'very been wanting to get a Lizardmen army for a while, and now I'm able to! One unit as a time. Let's start...
Hey. ;) How's it goin'?