I'm not sure if anyone buys their models from Dark Sphere but nearly the entire Seraphon range is gone from their site. Only the boxes, Skink...
That might be alright for me, I've got seraphon models to paint and to buy still so it gives me a break but I feel sorry for people knowing...
Pretty sure there will be more attacks, one melee and hopefully one more ranged
Maybe there will be a shorter range flamethrower style attack with better stats whereas this is designed to be some kind of ranged fireball attack?
I wouldn't say its too farfetched but it would be nice to update them with new adornments though Kroxigor and Guard would be a higher priority for...
You might want to check this link again, some new sets have been added which would be perfect for Idoneth deepkin and gloomspite gitz, 2 more...
I might have said this before but I'd want the guard to have slightly bigger bodies and more gold details on them than what warriors have.
Not sure where else to put this but these bits could be great for basing and terrain building! They came out a couple of weeks ago I just forgot...
https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/02/08/free-age-of-sigmar-warscrolls-for-the-hunters-of-huanchi-and-the-jade-obelisk/ Here, available for...
I'm thinking some sort of headpiece with feathers? Or Leaves. Maybe that's a new skink priest?
I think its just to keep the anticipation going until they're released. They're unlikely to announce something like new knights or guard just yet...
Yeah but my bank balance is certainly going to have a rough time when these models come out lol
I'm not entirely sure but I remember reading somewhere that they tend to release warbands from the boxes close to when a new warband is due to be...
Chameleon skinks were replaced, we're just waiting for them to be released seperately from the sundered fate box
Oh definitely. I think this image could be related? If not then I could see this as a weapon on a new war beast [IMG]
When I saw it I was thinking of a new Starseer but I think its probably kroxigors. Sunblood did also came to mind
Actually it was done GZDoom Builder, an awesome a map creator/editor for Doom. I'm not sure if you're a fan but amazing doom mods like Ancient...
I have some images of terrain pieces and the board I have designed, two sets actually. This is the first and much newer. [IMG] Bastiladon...
I'll get some more PVA glue since I'm running out then and I'll get some polyfiller too since that looks quite useful. The terrain safe primer...
I am trying to build a cheap gaming board using foam board and XPS foam. It is likely that I will put an XPS foam sheet on top of the foam board...