Basically it seems we have become daemons of Order with the daemon keyword and all this summoning...
Nothing big but this came through in regards to terrain in different realms:[ATTACH]
I wonder how Mantic games will take this as they have a realm called Ophidia in Kings Of War?
Surprisingly not, the colour scheme is fairly simplistic so that helps and the tricky parts and indents aren't that hard to get to:)
For me it's got to be the stegosaurus for herbivores and the Velociraptor for carnivores
I'm back after a short break with more of the Carno:[ATTACH]Most of the gold and bone parts are complete, just a few more bits to do
I would recommend a brown wash over the gold (Devlan mud, Agrax Earthshade etc.) to help smooth out the gold colour because of how unevenly it...
Khemri brown would work fine
The bone chair has been painted, the head has been washed and drybrushed and the blue scales have been highlighted. The mouth is also in progress...
So after trying my hand at a bit of airbrushing, I have completed the merge between the blue body and the yellow head.[ATTACH]
I like the idea of 'City of Mines', it fits in with the fluff for my army
Here's the yellow base coat for the head, no blending yet. Had my first game with him today![ATTACH]
I've decided to go for blue with a Yellow-Orange head so the head hasn't been painted but here's the base coated carno...[ATTACH]
Here's my chief i made from the Carno-Troglodon set.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
He's either going to be blue or red but i'm a bit stuck on that as I have a red stegadon and not many blue paints, What would you go with...
Here's the Chief about halfway through painting: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] For the purple skin, I used Xereus purple and then washed it with Druchii...
So, I got a Carnosaur for completing my exams the other day and have decided to make him as Kroq-Gar as his fluff is awesome and I can also use...
Ahh Okay, we just treated the ethereal rule in my local group as being able to move through whatever in an interpretation of RAI for Ethereal
Forgive me if i'm wrong, but doesn't Walk Between Worlds give the the target unit ethereal as they move so the unit can move through other units?
Purple and Yellow! The two contrast really nicely and will really draw the eye to the Krox! (nothing to do with a love for purple lizardmen...)