I think spear less CoC could be a great unit they are oddly enough fairly cheep now for the amount of attacks they have and there saves.
Re: A compilation of ways to fight cannons/minimize risk? the depressing thing is that skrmishers with "quick to fire" weapons have no pentaly...
Every match that i played in the turnoment i started out screaming "a la sangre y la gloria!" (the tournament was in Barcelona so everyone spoke...
Pivoting counts as movement yes but it does not remove any of the movement distance is what i meant. (I have updated the tactica to explain this...
Salamanders... feed them to the carnosour!
Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Completed Armys on Parade Page7! Wow! thank you! I'm honord xD i hope to have both the Carnos and there riders done...
I wound be really interested to see this tactica updated as now in reality coldones are not that expencive, i mean without spears they are quite...
I agree with both of these comments, actually i should add the concept of target saturation into the tactica its a good point that i don't think i...
Haha your right! in that case for the "Jackhammer to work properly you need to wipe out the unit, and then overrun into the next unit. one would...
In the tournoment i did not use Tarror at all, thoes where more aftertoughts, and also i whent up against Ogers, Tomkings and lizardmen, all of...
Well it depends on your mentality honestly. in 2500pts tournament games i went with a lvl1 and a lvl2 xD Personally i would play with 2 and no...
I have not considerd the razadons ill have to give it a try. I have had to many bad experiences with fleeing due to combat res that I cannot...
this is a good point i dont know where the rules stand, the arbitrators at the tournament sided with me that they do, the logic behind it is"...
yep, one of my team has a list with 12 shrieks, and there is nothing i can do. i just don't play vs that list any more as lizardmen there is...
Honestly the in the training matches Vs my team the carnos die alot oddly enough in the tournament i only lost 1. the most important thing i...
it was more of a experiment to not use skermishers. as i alredy had alot of flying chaff. and i have nothing against Slanns, i used one...
My full list that i used was as fallows General oldblood Armour of 4+ ward crown of command luckstone greatweapon Carno looping stride , blood...
Sorry its 1 oldblood as general, and 1 scarvet as BSB ill post my full list in a bit.
xD I dont, i know its hard to imagen a lizardmen list without a slann, but my turnoment list is dual carno. General Oldblood Crown of command...
This is all true, but i think if you read the tactica you will see my logic, the Carno is a more versitle option in my view. and when you have 2...