Re: Greek themed lizardmen Plog (including armies on parade i need some feedback! What do you think of the placement of the horrors? (they are...
Re: Greek themed lizardmen Plog (including armies on parade i really think it makes a beautiful complement to a normal brush, i mean the things...
Re: Greek themed lizardmen Plog (including armies on parade WOW! thanks guys for the kind words! honestly im kinda shocked at how nicely the...
Re: Greek themed lizardmen Plog (including armies on parade progress update. At a gamesday about a year ago i picked up a few forge world...
Re: Greek themed lizardmen Plog (including armies on parade Well Its getting close to the end! just 1 month left before i turn in my Army's on...
Now that we agree that it is Legal... again... what do people think of it as a tactic? there is a farly large chance that you can have 3x as much...
Re: Greek themed lizardmen Plog (including armies on parade one thing im worrying a bit about is i dont see a single other Armys on Parade with...
Re: Greek themed lizardmen Plog (including armies on parade im a bit worryed now about the mirror, you know i dont want to have a situation...
Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Armys on Parade Update!) Hey guys been a wile sorry about that. I need your help! Im working on the last steps for...
im wondering what do people think of a 2.5k dual death slann list, there is a interesting idea, i was messing around with it in my head today,...
Re: Greek themed lizardmen Plog (including armies on parade the problem is the foam that i used ws acualy Foamboard, so there is cardboard, with...
Re: Greek themed lizardmen Plog (including armies on parade Well here is a mocup of the Armys on Parade so far! right now im not sure how to do...
Re: Greek themed lizardmen Plog (including armies on parade Hey so here is my final column what do you think? and i made a mold so i could...
Re: Greek themed lizardmen Plog (including armies on parade thanks! that's a really good point ill start on a base now and post a image when Im...
personally i think this is the best color scheme same one i used on my own personal Skinks. [attach]
Re: Greek themed lizardmen Plog (including armies on parade Hey thanks for all the feedback! so currently Im working on the temple columns, my...
If you do PLEASE send me picks!!!! i would love to see it im right now thinking of what will be my next project after my post apocalyptic Tau. Im...
Re: Greek Total Conversion Army (including armies on parade The bricks i got from a hobby shop it was for some kind of model homes and castles i...
Awesome theme i like the bases, i must admit they got a bit of a Greek feel to them with what looks like peaces of Greek columns forgive me if i...
Epic army man i really like it alot i actually was playing around with something slimier when i first restarted my lizardmen army. but nothing as...