Re: Greek Total Conversion Army (including armies on parade Hey i would love some feedback on this idea i just had. i had some extra bricks and...
Re: Greek Total Conversion Army (including armies on parade I REALLY hate to give away my secreats but here you are good sir...
Hello Fellow Spawn Kin I made a tread on here a wile back about my overly patriotic lizard men. I got overwhelmed by work, but i managed to...
thanks!!!! i am still a bit new to 8th ed that was close. The reason for 2 was one goes for the flaimers+mage (the one with dragon helm) and the...
maybe i just have seen this combo to much but i think it is heavly being underestimated. with M5 they are not in shooting range for long. they...
the issue i have with your mathhammer here is this situation does not take into account how the game plays out, what if he has his flanks coverd?...
they have S6 attacks that rerole misses. that will rip stegs apart.
I must say that the one most common HE tactic that i see in competitive play is not addressed here at all. That would be a Arcemage with the book...
Really? i dono im quite worryed maybe i just dont know how to use it what do you tipicly do with it? i was thinking Life becouse of the banner...
Re: Any Advice on how to carrry out my Slann Inspiration? Awsome image and very cool idea, i would recomend painting the basic frog the redish...
Hey so i have a critical battle vs a Deamon player in my campaign. i would like to start out by apologizing for my horrible English, the deamon...
maybe not i think stonecutter find a critical flaw in my plan xD that a S5 bloodletter with killing blow can EASLY kill a skinkpreast xD
@stonecutter i just relized another thing if i have 30 skinks with 3 krox and i put them in a formation of 12 files for the shooting bonus. that...
@Stonecutter im a bit worryed about a few things. 1st getting 20 hits from a salamander is VERY hard yes stasitiscly very licly IF you are in...
Im almost 100% positive that you cannot have 2 versions of the same spell active at the same time unless its something like commit. which is not...
Hey everyone so i need help, i got a battle vs deamons this week and its for a campaign that im really enjoying currently the old ones have orderd...
I am not Spartan thats why i dont want to put Spartan symbles , but in the end i removed the sholder flags and even the primary banners here is...
Hehe its acualy ment to be the simple on the greek coat of arms, i acualy dident like it in the end i felt it looked really corny so i updated it...
been a little wile without updates sorry been busy as hell with my computer game development keeps getting in the way of my bord game army...
Here are some updates on the slann, crits more then welcome! we are all here to get better and learn from others right?