I've been bouncing back and forth between a volcanic ash look or some kind of sandy beach. I've been searching online trying to find little...
I think I'm going to leave the eyes stark yellow. It gives them a more predatory look that I want.
That warpaint looks vicious! What kind of heroes are you going to field? I'd love to see a scar veteran on a carnosaur with those colors.
Ta-da! completed skink regiment ready to deploy! [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach]
Let's jump right in! [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach]
[attach] [attach] [attach] I really like the way he looks from behind and also how he lines up with the rest of his unit!
He looks great! but I see what your saying. After putting on my thinkin' cap one of my first thoughts was some war paint! That wouldn't work well...
Re: Bit n' pieced Skink Priest (updated) Unintentional fluff, I love it!
Your passion for chameleons really shows in your work! The latest guy is my favorite so far; He's got a very dynamic pose. The war paint looks...
The yellow is very striking! Is it a pattern on their scales or war paint? What colors are you thinking for the rest of your army?
Re: Bit n' pieced Skink Priest Funny how you don't notice some things until they're pointed out! Fixed the arm and repositioned the staff, I like...
I like the idea of him not having a rider; Such things are beneath a beast of his stature. My first thought was to stick the saurus on the base...
Re: Bit n' pieced Skink Priest That's right! I also used another bit on my other GW standard Skink Priest; It is indeed a novel kit for some...
[attach] Built this little guy with leftovers from the terradon, temple guard, and skink kits. Wasn't a fan of the staff originally and I was...
Re: Lava Lizardmen: Updated 13/09 That Bastiladon is hands down one of the best conversions I've seen out of the new kits! I want to see some...
What an illustrias looking Slann! He appears younger and more active than his GW counterpart; I can almost see the tempest being launched from his...
Base coat complete for the final 12 in the unit! The easy parts over. [attach] [attach] [attach]
My priest is overseeing the spawning of his Grottoguard! [attach] [attach]
The gap looks better from the top, didn't even notice it until I was posting the pictures, it blends in so well with the scales. I tried to layer...
It's the top half of the potion bottle hand out of the Empire Wizards kit. I've scavenged a few bits from this box for my army!