Do you have a reference from the BRB to support that? Also, slightly off topic, if I was using a Wandering Deliberations Slaan, cast Earthblood,...
Hello. :) The Smoke & Mirrors lore attribute allows the caster to immediately switch places with another model of the same troop type with 18"....
Hi all. From what I have seen when browsing the forum, the majority of people seem to dislike Saurus Warriors, and I ask, why? I understand that...
Looks like a solid list. A couple of suggestions though: With the Slaan and Tetto having 15 spells between them, I really don't think you need...
I would keep the CoD Skink Priest, just for another channelling attempt, Arcane Vassal and another Scroll. I wouldn't say 24 is "ideal", more the...
I think it looks fairly solid. As Gary_M has put, you have got a lot of spells, and likely not enough dice to go around. Therefore, I would also...
+1 WS would be nice. It'd be very powerful on all our infantry units, even Skinks. However, if it was a 6+ ward, it would take away from EOTG, so...
I can see it's usefulness against Purple Sun, Ogres and Orcs. However, Dwarves often have Great Weapons, meaning you'll strike first anyway. A...
I have only ran a Bastilidon a few times, each time with the Solar Engine upgrade (the Ark of Sotek doesn't seem worth it, in my opinion) and I...
Thanks for the advice, Scalenex! :) I'm thinking I will keep 2 for now to deal with enemy Fast Cav and I can use Terradons to drop rocks on...
Although I am new to the army, I would say Javelins are better. Quick to Fire means that you can move and shoot without penalty, and can always...
Fortunately, I don't face many cannons in my meta, the only armies with Cannons I would face is Empire, Daemons and Skaven and there are all rare...
@Xbalanque I like SoD for units with Inspiring Presence range, less for the Temple Guard, it also makes me Ld10 for Spirit Leech. :) @Elholm...
Hi there! As the title says, I am new to Lizardmen, but not to Warhammer. I have played a few games, but this is my first 2,500 point list. -...