One thing to note is he will beat you in close combat if you fight his iron guts in a fair fight. Gang up on them or whittle them with shooting....
I would disagree that dinosaurs are bad, I run double stegs right beside each other and double charge things and it is an unstoppable pain train.
I played a 3 priest list at 1500 and got off triple wissans on my Saurus block.... Needless to say they slaughtered the high elf spearman horde...
If I am determined to run a temple guard block is this upgrade better? Since its nearly impossible to miscast on 2 dice?
Is the upgrade which gives all of 8 lores signature spell worth it?
I think you need more sustainability so id say Saurus block but its really up to your playstyle
I actually find one baby steg can take mournfang easily if you get the charge or its about even if he charged you
I have always bin a massive fan of the light slann because it fills our army's weaknesses pretty perfectly, and the initiative boost spell...
He's not a liability to the TG when he is an ethereal beasts slann with fencers blades >:)
That's what I'm saying, when I take javelin skinks I don't expect much since they're chaff but they're hardy enough that they can sometimes...
I'd have to disagree, I've been playing 3 years and my slann has NEVER died when I buy him a tg bunker, only died from miscast or lore of death my...
Do you think cup hands is fair or do you agree it needed to be eliminated? Or just think it should have costed more?
Isn't a skink chief kind of fragile to be a bsb?
I was thinking 2 lvl 1's with beasts to spam wysan's?
We both build a 1k army as if they were seperate, but can casts spells on each other, use each others bsb, and use each others inspiring pressence
My LGS is having a doubles tourney, 1k points per player. And I've been thinking what aspect of gameplay do I want to bring to help me and my...
Noone seems to be considering that jav skinks have far better armor too. Remember that the 5+ save will still give you a save vs str 4 and the 6+...
Besides being the king of badassery in the fluff, Id say slann is more competitive but kroak is still viable.
The other benefit of building your skinks with javelins is they can double as cohorts