I played a 1000 point quick game vs a nurgle daemons player, and we ended up tabling each other. It was extremely close, coming down to 4 Saurus...
Didnt gotrek die? I was almost certain he did?
An oldblood on a carnosaur or a bloodthirster? Discuss.
Cama cama cama cama cama chameleon!!!!
Sadly evil stuff is generally Cooler looking, and we don't have the dinosaur advantage over dark elves cold one riders :( at least we aren't...
I read the cold one rider entry and they look much stronger now, is this the case on the table?
And of course scumbag GW doesn't give a discount at all on their $300 lizardmen bundle..... Since all the boxes in it add up to $300 still.....
Yes I agree, seems as though it would be nice also if the spit attack was a spray too or a template shot
Topic. And why?
I did in fact find it helpful, I have a 1000 point tk army that I break out on occasion and is lots of fun
Also, it seems like bastiladons would be better in multiples since initiative 2 isn't much better than initiative one honestly...
Cupped hands was definately the best item in the game hands down (pun intended). Seeing the look on my friends face as I make his 300 point level...
Playing against a vamp counts army and threw 5 skinks in front of terrorgeist to march block it, it charged my skinks and over two rounds of...
Hi lustria, I have not played my lizardsin over a year and am picking up the new book later, wondering what units really shine this edition and...
Re: Pinktaco's red/brown/gold army (a newbie's contribution) This is one of the best looking color schemes I've ever seen! The shields with that...
It is true that they hate cold because they are cold blooded, and an idea I like is the Khemri lizards (I have read multiple places that they have...
The easiest way to deal with WoC Is to harass their big scary horde (they'll probably have only one as they are expensive af) marchblock to try...
yea, and honestly slann isnt quite a challenge anymore, my slann has NEVER died! ive lost plenty of games but the fat toad has always lived.......
the 2 changes are very beneficial to us tho, especially the herald of cosmic events change, i may even have to model a tettoecho, since i actually...
noticed a distinct lack of salamanders? any reason?