honestly against high elves most lores work, more important in my expierience is takeing the becalming cogitation to shut down their magic, life,...
Rather than sword and board scarvets are amazing with great weapons, I only give them sword and shield if I need them to stay alive to be bsb
Remember that speed of light alows 1/6 of your Saurus die to initiative tests instead of 5/6
Anyone else think that metal is epic for sniping pesky things like tzeentch flail lords on disk, grail reliques, stegs, etc?
1000 point list for escalation league (you can play up to 5 games a month and it goes up 500 every month till it hits 2500). Been playing with my...
Re: Lore of Beasts Slann Tactica (extension of Slann Party l Tenehuan can use it tho I think
To clarify escalation league will go up 500 points every month and you can play up to 7 league games per month
I think I'll use your list :) just have to convert a Saurus to have 2 swords and some character bits. Trying to remember, I still can dispel...
With the push towards big models this edition, I can definitely see the krox-controlled creature happening. Possibly a thunder lizard?
Hey lustria, hasn't been playing for a while since I've been playing warmachine/hordes, but my LGS is starting a fantasy escalation league, so I'm...
Lore of life is always good vs ogres, light lol's at elves ASF(plus adds some pit of shades, purple sun, etc. protection) also I've found death...
Bring the skirmishers to 10 each and boost the camo skinks to 8, however I doubt this list will work vs experienced players no matter your tactics...
With some planning, pirana blade and potion of strength can be a potent mix
My prayers go out to you that you don't face dwarves
If you can, change the lore, life is very useless vs HE
Honestly Gw is probably trying to stick to the "Slann refuse to touch the ground of a planet tainted by chaos thing"
You should really find a way to squeeze in 6 more TG, mabye drop some Saurus and just combine both Saurus blocks into one big one. Cheers
I've played an all skirmisher List for a while and I can tell you that a stegadon or 2 and ascar vet cowboy are key to victory so you can have...
I wouldn't go so far as to say it is bad, but certainly it is not the best. I think that light, and shadow are better and death is about even...
Sorry that was weird :/ what's in the quote is my comment, get 20 TG not 30 :)