I've begun using a unit of 5-6 Krox and they have done well for me in every game I've used them. Run them behind a screen of skinks to get the...
Long ago when Saurus were metal I had a unit painted in black and a red-orange similar to that frog. My recommendation -- don't do it. Use a...
By the way, I normally field 1 cohort unit in my army. It's primary purpose is to serve as a hiding place for my skink priest (or sometines 2 of...
Tip #1 -- Don't be afraid to flee If you're getting charged by an enemy unit that the cohort can't stand up to, feel free to run away. Tip #2 --...
Bastard. Why did you have to bring that up? ;)
So I've been stuck at home today since my wife is working and somebody needs to watch the 8-year old. I maybe should have spent the afternoon...
If a unit is positioned so that it can charge your skink chief as it's engaged with a war machine, it is either pointing backwards or sideways, in...
They are best at taking out high-value, low-model-count units. Sending them at a cheap tar-pit unit plays into your opponent's hands.
This could definitely work in a closed-list environment -- make them think you have the Egg even when you don't. It does have a strong...
Spells are generated openly. There is no provision in the rules to indicate that this would be secret.
The best riders for Dark Elf cold ones are the metal Saurus that rode the "battle cow" style cold ones. Look on eBay.
They do count as a rank. But you only get rank bonus for ranks after the first so no +1 Also: A unit can get rank bonus for an incomplete...
Whether or not it was misplayed depending on the exact circumstances, which aren't exactly clear from your post. In what phase of the game did...
You only get to reform if you catch a unit that fled as a charge reaction. There is no reform when pursuing a unit that broke from combat.
Actually overruns are treated as pursuit into fresh enemy, not the other way around ... In any event, if you either pursue or overrun into fresh...
For those points I think I would just run a second unit of 3 Terradons so I can have a 3d3 rock drop attack.
Like others say, do it at the end.
Nice report. 4 Frosthearts ... ugh.
Solid paint job. You'll have a good-looking army when you're done.