Skinks are better in this role. The "They're Everywhere" ability really is a good one and not fully appreciated by most opponents. It has come...
I personally like the Temple Guard. I would also split the Skrox unit into 2 smaller units to give your army more flexibility in character...
I generally agree with this -- a unit of 7 Skink Skirmishers is generally a better investment point-for-point the a base of 2 swarms. I still...
I've had some good success with Swarm/Saurus combo. As long as you bring in the swarms corner-to-corner you don't bleed combat res and Poison is...
Slann, channeling staff, harmonic, Focus of Mystery- I love the versatility of High Magic. No complaints here. I assume he will run with...
Exactly. Wood Elf player congas his Stubborn Eternal Guard unit into the face of my Cold Ones. Oldblood on the corner charges out of the unit...
True. In this army, a Scar Vet with Obsidian Amulet, spear, light armor & shield may be a better load out than some of those others.
That's why you need a scroll The other way to look at it is that Lore of Metal is just something you have to hope you don't encounter. When you...
Exactly. I have 3 concerns with this list. 1) Cold One unit is too small -- as soon as 1 dies, no more Look Out Sir! 2) I would want at least...
The only way I would take theBlade of Realities is for a mounted character. First, it maximizes your protection by getting the armor save down to...
Yellow on the Saurus looks really good now. Great job.
I would give the slann one of the items, but unfortunately I don't ave the room in the Lord's allowance. Ah yes ... you are running 2 Lords. I...
I think that's based on the idea that in order to average 2 wounds (poison) in a round of shooting, you need 12 shots, and therefore 6 Chameleons....
Slann Mage Priest (Life/High) BSB, Gleaming Pennant, Harmonic Convergence, Cube of Darkness, Ironcurse Icon You already get a reroll from being a...
Looks really good.
Slann – BSB, Banner of Discipline, Resevoir of Eldritch Energy, Loremaster (High) Since it looks like you are trying to avoid the comp hit for...
I with the others ... Body looks great. Head area not so much, both due to the orange on the neck and the heavy use of gore effect on the teeth....
That sucks ... More for your personal health than the fact that we won't see any work from you for a while. Take it easy and get better.
+1 Like the Skaven on a spit, but ... The purple is a bit intense.