Assuming optimal aiming point of of 10 inches from the back of the Slann, a single cannon shot against a Slann in a non-TG infantry unit has about...
It's totally valid to run Temple Guard without a Slann in the unit -- especially with a Saurus Character for support, they can dish a lot of...
I would do the exact opposite. Run him behind the unit (in a unit of skink skirmishers) until close combat is inevitable. Move him in at that...
Game 1 added to the original post
+1 Wyssan's on a unit of Spear Warriors makes them really nasty.
Re: Quick Buckeye Battles Recap Don't have time for battle-by-battle right now, but will respond to a few of Sleboda's and Ghost Warrior's...
Really like the pattern on the Bastiladon. The edge highlighting seems a little harsh in comparison to the graduated blending between the orange...
Also since it is a flaming attack, you would reroll failed to-wound rolls against targets in buildings.
Went to Buckeye Battles in Ohio last weekend. Had a great time and finished well with a 4-1-0 record. The tournament using Swedish Comp for...
Just got back. Went 4-1-0 with 2nd best-painted and the award for best Lizardmen player. Beat Wood Elves, Ogres, and 2 Daemon armies. Lost to...
Love the conversion. It's cool to look at it and try to identify all the bits. The paint job isn't quite up to the same standard unfortunately....
Each misfire rolled takes away d3 handlers. So 2 misfires in one unit's shooting round means 2d3 lost.
Me too -- short "a" rhymes with can
With Killing Blow and Frenzy they should perform well against most light enemy units. You happened to run into one of the exceptions. Warlocks...
Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog: Dark elf COs conversion in pro I have a bunch of cold-one riders on Dark Elf Cold Ones. The steeds are just so...
Very cool -- what's that unit-filler?
Thanks for the update! Love this scuplt
My main comment is that since you don't have any miscast protection, I would general not put the Slann in the Temple Guard. He can get a...
Good stuff. You really should paint their toenails though ...
1) Krylon Crystal Clear Acrylic -- 2 coats for metal models, 1 coat for plastic/resin This is a spray gloss that does an excellent job...