Sounds pretty interesting, but how do you fit TK into the lizzie fluff? Maybe a southlands army?... Pretty risky, as T&T mercenaries have -1Ld...
I like it - monstrous cavalry fits well. And it's always nice to have some more monsters in the list!
So, we've had quite a while to play the T&T expansion. My group have been playing thus far with no mercenaries (to eek a little more value from...
Re: Caneghem's Review of the New Lizardmen! Update: Core add Keep up the good work! I eagerly await the specials!
This is clearly a RAI vs RAW issue, which kind of makes the 11 pages of discussion moot - neither side is going to convince the other! That being...
See? I'd already forgotten that terradons can move after rallying! Right, so; 'vanguard - skirmishers - drop rocks - rally and move' :) My only...
How about changing the Priest to; Priest [EotG, Lvl 1, Opal Amulet, Diadem of Power] and switching 1 unit of 10 Skirmishers + 4 Skinks from the...
My big blocks of saurus keep stomping around and missing their marks, who just seem to float away. As such, I'd love to try out a really...
Thanks for the tips, guys! I ended up getting thoroughly smashed regardless - my opponents (HE, WE) danced circles around my block of saurus and...
Alright, we're in the middle of a warhammer weekend here, so haste in replies would be appreciated. I have a cold-one mounted character in a unit...
What about something like this; Oldblood - Horned One, Armour of Fortune, Dawnstone, Halberd Priest - Dispel Scroll 24 Saurus - FCG 10...
Nice, thanks for the tips! I like your set up quite a bit more than mine - out of interest, phatmotha, how would you set up a 1k battle against...
I could upgrade to an oldblood, but I'd have to drop the salamander to do so. And aren't they still Ld 8? I don't see the point in going to Lvl 2...
Likely to face ranged armies in upcoming tournament; General: Scar-Vet (Crown of command, lt. armour, gt. weapon) Priest (Dispel Scroll) 10...
After a close game with a Lore of Death Slann against a WE player, we discussed the wording of the lore special ability 'Life Leech'. As I...
Thanks for the tips! Hmmm, that's given me something to think about. How about this; 5 Saurus 6 Skinks 3 TRRs 6 Fan Factor I've played that list...
Drat, forgot about that! Oh well, it's still a fun lore to play but competitively it would be very difficult to pull off against every opponent.
Has anyone tried using a lvl 1 Priest with the cloak of feathers to get closer to your targets and make those 12" ranges more effective? The...
Hi guys, I have recently got into Bloodbowl and didn't have the heart to cheat on my beloved Lizzies with another race. After a few games I've got...