I honestly like this post because it lets everyone vent. Like i hate that the slann got hit with a nerfing bat and for 300points base and my...
Hmm what about the fencers blades on him as well? Weapon skill 10 sounds like a pretty good defense
That sounds pretty cool actually. And for me its sometimes i wanna get my temple guard into combat to help out an existing combat or to just be a...
Is a skink chief bsb a viable idea? To me they seem very squishy but i mean with him i can give him magic armor and put him in my center saurus...
If dwarves are next id die of happyness. As long as they arent extinct
I just saw something about dwarves online O.O are they truly next for a new book!!!!!!!!
I play to have fun :) my game shops a very beer and pretzels kinda gaming were your there 10+ hours at a time and i like an army that balances...
If you didnt already have him based i woulda said take the glyph with vines on it and it would give him the dynamic look of running up it to cast...
Im lookin forward to creating a second army finally :) since i already have lizzards i was tryin to think bout what army of destruction would be...
This skink looks so awesome o.o
I found this awesome game and played through one of the campaigns and i love it so far. Has anyone else played this game? Is their a lizardmen...
Skink chiefs to have better armor so i can put them in as cheap leaders for my sauris. Cheap cav like the horned ones from older books. Also a...
Anyone know if their is an update for the new lizardmen? I have a kindle fire and i dont see one when i try to update
i got a box of the new terradons. ive never ever used them before so does anyone have advice on how to use them? or just your experiences with...
Now that i think about it a steg with a giant bow and havin the chief fire it would be like anyone elses artillery but no were lizards we arent...
If you have a skink chief on it can he fire them?
In the army book it says that up to two skink a turn can fire the giant blowpipe. Does that mean u get two shots at 2d6?
Also whats a shattering charge?..
This is the first im seeing of these amazing drawings :O
Inthe army book it says they have spears and hand weapons. Does that mean i can choose what they use at the start of each combat??