Oh wow thats a good idea... i woulda never thought of that. And the magnetic strips for the bottoms of the models?
If you could post like one pic on here so i can see it or tellme when u do id be most appreciative :)
Anyone have ideas for cheap movement trays?
Lol i was actually about to ask when the new army book is coming out for 8th
And wht is the scaly skin save for a saurus?
Ok this may sound really dumb but im new to fantasy. When u have a group with full command are the command models counted on their own or are the...
Lol just make a wall of stegs and hide the slann in the middle
So that makes it so he can only be wounded by magical attacks?
What is it that gives the slann ethereal and is it worth it?
It works really well since it sticks to the paint and not the plastic since its like a wash
Man i tried using the brown coat then the gold and it makes my cold one champ look amazing
Thank you guys so much. And do u think mournfang brown coat then burnished gold would work?
Anyone have a way to make the gold paint thicker? Any help would be very much appreciated!! :D
The 6th edition one
Ik but it does help to get some advice from older gamers who have made theirs already or have done it for other armies
Thats were i got the idea from because i have last editions codex and read about him lol i was gonna see if i could make it almost so that...
I thought itd be cool if it was like a southland spawning and there was a spawning of one red kroxigor and he was blessed by sotek and was able...
I want to start some fluff for my newly formed lizardmen and i dont want the slann to be the main figure. Could i have a sauria or even a krox be...
Lol i wonder if people on here work at gw and read these stories and are like wow thats creative! :rage:
Crap forgot copyright rules right