The only things (as far as I'm aware) that DON'T apply to the Slann but that DO apply to other infantry models are the two that have been...
Hi all, If you listen to any Warhammer podcasts, you might want to consider adding Dimensional Cascade to your subscriptions. We're 100% fantasy,...
The winning unit in a combat can reform after combat, but the losing unit must make a Ld test with a penalty equal to the penalty they took their...
We play that Predatory Fighter is all ranks. It just makes more sense. When I spoke to a friend at GW HQ who used to run the Studio, he said "the...
My math is slightly off as I forgot about Predatory Fighter. It's actually 0.98W per turn, or 1.22W per turn with Wyssan's.
Overhead shots are easily created with Herald (see the link in my sig). I love this sort of thing, so would be excited to see more (but I think...
Skink shooting to remove the Charmed Shield, followed by a boosted Amber Spear. He gets no armor save and there's a 50/50 chance you'll roll...
I know that the Lizardmen FAQ list from the Warhammer forum got sent to them in September with no response.
Agree that the model now counts as a Ridden Monster, but I think there are additional rules in the Howdah Crew section which overrule the BRB....
Let us know if you hear anything. I think a lot of people have done the same (going by forum chatter in other places) to no avail.
This is something that I think most players underrate. Too often, the comparison between units comes down to their stats, but in reality you are...
You are correct - my bad.
I agree with NexS1. Given that the rule in question is part of the Howdah Crew special rule section, I think it's very safe to say that the Chief...
My biggest gripe is that Tetto is ridiculously expensive (in dollars) for the size of model that he is.
If you think about it, HW will do better in any formation where you don't get to take advantage of the extra attacks of the spears. So anything...
Did you ever try this conversion?
Pick whichever one you're most excited about painting. At this early stage in your army, it doesn't really matter that much. Eventually you will...
Predatory Fighter being allowed in supporting attacks nets you, what, maybe 1-2 more attacks? 21-22 instead of 18-20? I don't see that really...
Thanks! I found the FAQ about two hours after I posted this, but just hadn't been at my computer to post a redaction (and still no Tapatalk...
Check out the tactica for good hints on building out Oldbloods.