You can run them solo or take them as a unit of two, at which point they have to stay together. Taking them as a unit of two would allow you to...
Skink special character on a Trog? Gives all Skinks Predatory Fighter? :-D
Actually, a second Salamander is definitely better, in the same pack, because you have Tetto'eko - vanguarding those Salamanders will be a fun...
Yes, or another unit of Chameleons. When you lay out the "why" I can see it makes sense. It's just not a style I'm familiar with or used to...
Plenty of other armies do it too, even WoC, so don't worry :-)
I did a quick bit of math to calculate the value of the Troglodon's Primeval Roar rule. I built an army list which aimed to maximize the number of...
Seems like a very magic heavy list - I'm counting 800ish points spent on magic?
As with most flyers, if you play them correctly you should always be able to get flank / rear charges. The slightly tricky part with Ripperdactyls...
As a side note, anything that is a particular type of magical weapon will state it in the description. E.g. in the Wood Elf book there are several...
I like this setup also - 11 Skinks plus one Kroxigor. Why do you go with full command? I can understand musician for quick reforms and rally...
Some TOs allow scrolls of binding already and some don't. I can't see these be any different. All of these releases have been rehashes of...
It's a dilemma for sure. This is why a lot of people prefer to run Saurus characters on Cold Ones rather than Carnosaurs. However, it's worth...
The Hunting Pack rule applies to whole unit of packs (as detailed under the "Hunting Pack" special rule on p46 of the Lizardmen book). This means...
Nope. This is a special rule for fleeing units. They basically run really far and really fast in a complete panic, and scramble over and around...
That's a shame. Hopefully a FAQ would make it so you could horde them with just 10 Krox.
This is half right. He does have to turn to face away from the center of your unit, so that part was correct. (P20 of the BRB, aligning to the...
I urge you not to take Lore of Metal. It only has a couple of spells that are specifically good against armor, one of which is the signature...
Command group must be in front at all times, except when in close combat. Once you're in close combat, the "Make Way!" rules take over. So, to...
For sure. I think the point is that this shows GWs commitment to moving to digital rulebooks so that they can make updates without having to do a...
You get 15 pages, of which I suspect about 3 pages will be rules. Today's release is for Undead. If there are any Lizardmen releases I'll buy...