Cool, glad you liked it :-)
That's actually incorrect. P77 of the BRB - a character who joins a unit of Skirmishers gains the Skirmisher special rule for as long as he...
Wood Elves are one of the remaining 6th edition books still in circulation. As a result, the models tend to have a much higher points cost than...
Looks like it won't be special characters only. Today's release is a new unit type for Tau in 40k.
It's probably 6 Iron guts (for two ranks) and that would bring him up to the bare minimum in core (along with 6 Ogre bulls). Here's some general...
I think that 30% of your points spent on creating magic is overkill, in any list for any army. Magic is only one phase, and in an average phase...
I think Jeff's point is that you can still take 20 S3 shots (ignoring the poison) if you need to. I know I'm new to Lizardmen, but I have faced...
There's a mod for PHPBB that you can install to support Tapatalk. Warseer uses it, among others. I know I read most of my forums via Tapatalk (and...