I agree, plus 3 skinks on each is a waste. 30 points buys you a lot. I also think that the priest is safe with dawnstone and dispell scroll. I...
Cool list, how many TG? Salamanders are the best unit we have... Drop saurus for more imo. Higher state is not as good as mystery... Life will...
I have a friend running ogres competitively. We basically are in an arms race of maximum army efficiency. 2400 Currently he is sporting:...
you still get magic with the biting blade...
lose the valuable enchanted item slot and the armor save in combat... plus, STR 7 does not need poison.
Um... It is pretty easy to position tg between enemy caster and sw block, making it impossible for it to be targeted. The SW are not being...
Biting Blade is pretty good... cheap item allows for magical attacks, a shield and often the missing str that would come from the halberd......
Life slann, cupped, bane, leadership banner, 3 good disc 475 Scar vet, chotec, ironcurse, luckstone, dragonhat, la, shield 133 Priest dispell...
Instead of redirecting and handing points to opponents you could make units that can stand up to attackers. 3x5 chameleons will kill against...
Exactly... 315 ish points for 4 t ofhem, means ogres could could field 3 units of 3 and you are dead.
I was wondering if it is worth using in a Lore of Light List with a Slann in 20 Temple Guard. I usually play with 30 SW, Steg, 20 TG/Slann, 30 SW...
This is the setup: High elf archers XXXXXXXXXXX Flat terrain ............................. Chameleons .......c..c..c..c..c Chameleons...
Holy shit you are right... slann in second rank is a super dangerous liability that I never thought of... Gah... Luckily with all the chamo...
Re: A Carn and Steg walk into a bar and are hit by a cannonb What does that mean to you then? Hits all on board? Just the Stegadon?
Re: A Carn and Steg walk into a bar and are hit by a cannonb Dont forget, ball hits stegadon. Roll dice, 5 or 6 and a skink takes D6 or D3...
Where is my math off? In hand to hand combat, things work exactly the same way. You use the monster's WS and Toughness, afterwards, you allocate...
Footprint incompatibility relates to models that are not able to rank up smoothlymwith one another. 40 and 20mm bases go together, 25 and 50mm...
You guys are on crack... 50 points of gear, regardless of level.
Wrong! You do not take panic tests for losing handlers. BRB says they are ignored for most gaming purposes. Also, if you salamander is wounded 5...
Its footprint is compatible, thats why i dont have to stick him on the side.