Can a scar vet on cold one make way in a unit of saurus warriors?
Could you draw a picture? It seems to me that woc wil just charge skinks with units on the flanks of woc, either they flee out of the way, or both...
SOLVED! Scar Vet with Light Armor, Cold One, Burning Blade, Dawn Stone, Charmed Shield. You charge in, tie combats for a long time.
They probably wont take champions because the extra str 4 attack for 10 points is meaningless... What about heroes? My I could kit a scar vet...
Is there anything that a Skink priest (with the dragonbane gem) can do? Once my guy has used his dispell scroll... he might as well take advantage...
4 FC Mournfangs have movement 8, with banner of movement, 9. That means they will almost always get the charge. Against a block of my saurus, 30...
Lets say that 2x1 salamanders are the worth 4 times their points... and that 2x2 salamanders are worth 3 times their points... It is still the...
no stegadons... lots of chameleons... deep units of surus warriors. Spread accross the battlefield, your leadership is better. Be aggressive.
Drop the +1 leadership, both fc to mus and stand, flaming banner, 5 temple guard, and that is 129 points saved... If you split off the priest and...
What is immune to poison in warhammer? Are warmachines immune? I played against a high elf player who said my chameleons could not poison his bolt...
It seems more sportsmanly to let the front charge happen, but I lost the game because of it... If he has stumbled forward, my saurus would have...
Alright, so my Saurus are about 2 inches to the right of impassible terrain. Facing them from the front/left flank, 4 Morfangs which are like 4...
For Shooting: If I have a unit and some models are in close range and some are at long range, do you count it all as short, long, or cut the unit...
Did I miss something? Since when are poisoned shots good against heavily armored troops? I shoot 12 shots at a unit of 5 Dragon Princes or wtv, I...
Haha! That was me, who got destroyed by the ogres... i also forgot that salamanders cause panic every time they wound... Would have had a better...
I recently played against Ogre Kingdoms and realized that my army list was probably the best matchup he could hope for of any army anywhere. He...
I decided to field 2 scar vets, and upgrade the scroll to the cube of darkness . I dropped 2 salamanders, and 2 saurus from each block. I am...
For ten more points, burning blade seems a lot better for magical attacks...
Except, if you have a choice between 3*113 point scar vets, co, la, sh, or 2*160, full kit, I would think the 3 is better for the same price.
Double check the mixed unit no stomp thing...