You forgot to mention the "nerf" to the toad in the first hero phase. You can't place one now, if you have summoned a unit rippers in your first...
Mastering Lord Kroak? Simple answer.. Dont use him for summoning and go as aggressive as you can with his spells. He is made to kill whole armies,...
Here is the link, hope it works. He also did cards for the realms. Pretty awesome....
Just wanna say, Kroxigors are no Saurus ;D
Kroak is much better now in my opinion, no need for the enemy to cry about him. Play the Slann with Vast Intellect and he will be 300% better,...
One guy in the Seraphon group on Faceook did this already for all warscrolls. You should check it out.
I am 100% sure you have to plant the banner for the rerolls of hits in 10", but not for the wizard buffs. This is the most logical answer to this...
In the end my Dread Saurian was always the one thing in my army i buffed to a powerlevel over 9000, not necessary for me to talk about an...
i did it and yeah, in general the new one will deal more dmg, still a little bit sad about loosing the only rend -3 in our army.
I rly dont like the fact my Dread Saurian now has 1 jaw attack less, and sooo much less rend :( Same feeling with the healing only in our hero...
Sadly the Balewind is not that powerful like he used to be^^ But just to point this out, if the Rippers are now played like in open play (i think...
I think its pretty awesome as i dont understand why everyone here is talking like the Slann would forego all his 3 spells just to get 9 Summoning...
It doesn't count as reatreat, because you remove the unit from the Battlefield and then set it up again. Thats what is stated in the Rules- FaQ....
Hey, just a quick little question. Do i add the 8" from the Astrolith Bearer before or after double the spell range with the vortex. Im pretty...
well 3 of them will just make around 20-24 Wounds, so they can kill a little bit^^
Already sold?
Well i thought i read it on an official Website from GW, but maybe it was just a random guy who said this and I believed him^^
you forget that you cant move the temple guard, you cant even pile in in combat. Thats my problem wit them actually.
Well i asked the same question on facebook, looks like i am right and you cant win if you table someone and cant catch up in points till turn 5.