I ended up dropping the TG, adding more suars, and adding more to the other troops. I also added sword of swift slaying to the Old blood. I'm glad...
Whats your thoughts on magic items or characters?
Hey all, This is kind of short notice but I will be playing against my Dark Elf friend on Wednesday, so I'd like your opinions on my list. This...
Oh well, I'll take whatever I can get then!
Lizardmen in general would be good. Otherwise maybe close up drawings of our guys as well? Edit: I should also say that the pictures used in this...
Hey all, I'm currently working on a side project, but I could use some help. I need high quality drawings of Lizardmen (for example and...
Skinquisitor I'll send your words to him, maybe he can use those tips while planning next. JamJar: He owns the core book between us two, does...
I need some help, but first some back story: I mostly play against an Empire player at 1000 point games, since we are both still pretty new at...
It was a Cauldron of Blood with a Death Hag. I don't know DE models very well :/
My attempt at keeping it short... Old Blood -CO -Piranha Blade -Glittering Scales -Dawnstone Scar Vet -CO -BSB -Armor of Destiny 2 Skink...
I don't know how this would ever be useful (maybe in a just for the heck of it game?), but has anyone made a Murder Slaan? One that can actually...
I'm pretty new to fantasy and lizardmen (I've only played one game!) but I played a lot of 40k with people who sound similar to your friends....
So just to clarify: 1) I can march my skinks 12 inches, then fire javelins at no penalty 2) Scouting does not affect the +1 role 3) Challenges...
So I played my first game of fantasy the other night and managed to win against the Empire! But a few questions came up in the game that we...
This is both a tactics and modeling question, so I hope I put this in the right forum. General topic: are spears worth the cost? I've seen...
Thank you all for the responses! I'm sorry I took so long to reply, responsibility always get in the way of fun :( But I will definitely take all...
Hi all, So I'm new to the forum and the game in general. I plan on picking up LM as my army, but I'm not sure where to start exactly. I've done...