thanks friends!
As promised, some beter pictures of the crew, now all models are finished. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
thanks guys! Essmir: thanks, Blanche is one of mine favourite artist ever! Warden: really, not. It's probably a fault of my mobile phone camera,...
[ATTACH] Thanks a lot friends! more wip - the crew is almost done, howda will require time, work on steggy scales started.
More work on stegadon - skin, scales, howda, crew...[ATTACH]
More work on stegadon - I'm satisfied of the skin Colour scheme. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
what a beautiful stegadon!
Thanks a lot for your interrst friends! yesterday I've received a plastic stegadon, so today I've converted the model to have an ancient stegadon...
another quick post on my wip. More work on skink's skin, more work on champion, and starting to work on jungle swarms. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] My...
[ATTACH] Thanks Warden! The cold one rider has all the body of kroq gar. More works on skinks - all model has been based, primered and I' m...
The models are some new and old models, some converted. the work on this unit it's only starting, the colour scheme will be black and green. also...
Hi and thanks friends! @n810: the right arm come from the old temple guard champion. I add some of my WIP increasing and building my southern...
Thanks a lot friend! But nobody else collect old citadel models?
Thanks a lot! conversion finished and pictures sent to cobtest account. I hope was the correct way, I've utilized the conversations button.
Thanks a lot! yes, beautiful model, ispired by a fantastuc artwirk of John Blanche!
Some oldhammer model was beautiful... this is my chaos amazonette (still wip…): [ATTACH]
beautiful work! i think this is a fantastic colour scheme for this cave beast!
Your work is absolutely stunning and skillfull! my fav. Model is alwais the stegadon, but also the skylord is beautiful!!
Beautiful job with the stone bases! my fav model is the skink shaman, I really like metals on it.
I hope to finish my conversion in time! I've utilized also 2 small plastic part from pre_painted models, I hope this should be non a problem! they...