Thanks stefblo! I wll post other conversions of oldblood and champions!
Thanks Warden, I will try to write something about my background ideas!
Alwais night horrors:[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
last, some night horrors models: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] Some paladins: [ATTACH]
some miniatures from C22 creatures range: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Anyone else it's actually collecting oldhammer models, other his lizardmen? I'm collecting miniatures from old range Of chaos, undead and human...
Thanks Camazotz! the jade effect it'utilized only for hero weapons; the infantry has brass or golden weapons. The effects is done with some old...
Nature it's absolutely the best source of inspiration, in.painting a lizardmen army!
I just love the colour scheme on The stegadon, looks very natural!
Thanks a lot to all! I will post other miniatures, conversions and wip Very soon. Thanks again!
This is one my generals, an oldblood. A conversion of a new templeguard, with the classic templeguard arm with axe, part of a banner as shield,...
This is an old slann lieutenant, that I'll utilize as Skink champion:[ATTACH]
Hi, here you find some of my models. I'm building an army of southerlands luzardmen, inspired by the old books of lizzies... This is one of my...
Well... we become all from the forbidden city templr lost in Tilea :-)!
Killer Angel: yes, a bit too far...
S p aning of Bob, I should be glad to write something about my Lizzie background, but... my english it's a rubbish. But I'll try to do it...
Thanks to all! I live near Venice, in a litt le town. Actually I'm more an Oldhammer collector, so in my army I will have some old Slann models......
Hi to all, my name is andrea Mangoni, and I'm an old lizardmen collector from Italy... I'm more interested in painting and converting models than...
Hi, this is one of my Oldblood conversion: [img] [img]