Either some Knights, another unit of Chameleons or another Skink acreen and an endless spell. Curious about, why AB with a Slann? Maybe, you'd...
With an external link I'd say Cults 3D or Mega. I sure have the old OPR (star)Priest model. I'd have to check about the Woodland from Artisan...
So, there's no way of printing it for us? Not even buying in a external web?
It's an ability so you can use it on different units, just like Priest or Starseer.
Those two units of Skinks are screens, to prevent a charge.
Sorry, I didn't see the AB on your first list. Stupid question, why would you give the tome to the Scar-Vet? If you plan to use Flaming weapon,...
You chose a Warlord Battaltion but I dont see anywhere your second enhancement. Also, your Priest doesn't have any prayer and your Starseer,a...
I had my first game in 3 Ed today and my friend threw an Archi to me. I managed to roll a 12 in turn 2 with my Knights and they damaged him very...
I'm not a fan of Knights outside KC, as they rely in 2 CA at minimum (the one from Scar-Vet an +1 to hit). Mathwise, Starvenom+Scar Vet CA=...
Hey guys, I'm having a physical match this week with a friend and I was wondering what do you think of those lists: [spoiler] [spoiler]
Guys, I haven't seen anything on the FaQs but is Star-stone Staff from Skink Priest a prayer? The ability reads as follows: In your hero phase,...
Here's mine I did this morning: ++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Order - Seraphon) [1,995pts] ++ + Core Battalion + Core Battalion: Battle...
Maybe I'm doing some 3D print or foam proxy. Can someone give me the size (wide and height) please? I'd prefer the measures in cm but I can work...
Does that translates into TL being unable to take the Linebreaker Battalion to fill Battleline?
I'd swear it was there too, that's why I said "deleted". As far as I remember, newest documents overwrites older ones. I'd say Coalesced reduces...
It was adresses but deleted on the new FaQs.
Yes. Commander can be a Hero with any number of wounds. It just make a difference so you can add Behemoth Leaders into battalions.
With that way of thinking of yours, a Starpriest, is still a priest because it's on his name. The counterargument of your opponent is perfectly...
But nothing prevents your enemy to shoot your charging unit from behind. In the few games I've played, I've deployed my shooting units behind...
I started to play in 6Ed (aroudn 2003) and I can tell you that Slann, Priests, Sallys, Chameleon Skinks, Saurus and Skinks were "new" back then....