Welcome to the forum and welcome back to AoS, hope you enjoy your games. About the topic. I don't think Dracothion's Tail (DT) is worth anymore....
Fangs List WARLORD BATTALION (extra prayer, the one who gives MW at 6s to hit) Lord Kroak 1 430 Terradon Chief 1 80 Skink Priest 1 80 Skink...
I dont think that erratas will save the day. Erratas don't have any modification to warscrolls, but GHB or Campaings do (like Broken Realms)....
We all know every army and behemoth is going up. But I'm complaining that our warscrolls alone suck hard for the price they are getting.
You forgot about Skink Chief on Stegadon, from 250 to 305. A bad taste joke.
I dont believe this leaks, but we're 3h away to know if they are true. Warchanter has a cost of 140 or 100?
I think I'm not understanding what do you mean but I'll try to explain what I do understand from the rules. Save is capped to +1 and 1+, even if...
Until we have our new points we can only make assumptions. Maybe Skinks go up to a MSU of 20 and they are no longer a viable screen, cost-wise,...
Hey guys, there's something nobody is addressing here. Mortal Wounds are treated like normal wounds but you just skip the save roll. Does it mean...
Hey guys, I have a 6th Ed Stegadon around but I've missplaced his head, what can I print so it doesn't look too big?
Lore spells from the core book, not the battletome. Kinda sucks but not bad as I thought you'd meant.
Yeah, sometimes I'm on the worse side, but think this that way. Units, unless stated otherwise in a massive FaQ, will continue on their current...
What do you think?
Looks like I'll be making my own Age of Sigmar with all those changes. I truly hate the concept of reinforcement. The Priest is not useful...
Dont be too enthusiastic about monster list. We'll probably see a point increase in every unit as soon as 3.0 comes out or next month, as usual...
I'm gonna borrow you KC list and leaving this FoS for you: Allegiance: Seraphon - Constellation: Fangs of Sotek Leaders Lord Kroak (430) Saurus...
I see KC more interesting now that Leaders can issue a command. Are you being charged to your Saurus and no Leader is on their way? Just issue +1...
Kroak went up to 430. Foot heroes barely go to combat, so give the artifact to the Oldblood. A unit of 15 Knights is wasting 100 points, as well...
They are live now. They came around 18:00 Spain time.
++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Order - Seraphon) [1,650pts] ++ + Leader + Lord Kroak [430pts] Saurus Astrolith Bearer [140pts] Skink Oracle on...