Hi guys. I have an old metal Stegadon and I'd like to use it as a EotG or Mazdamundi conversion with my second Slann. The thing is that I don't...
I need them so bad... A shame I already have all my Saurus Knights.
Well, it's the truth, I like your style and idea. I'd be curious about it. What's your set up? I want to record some videos for my Instagram...
I found her: here she is. Someone on GreenStuffWorld submited a photo of a nude woman and I though if this girl liked the photo. Now I feel like...
I just want to remember that AoS is a game about taking objetives. I doubt you'd steal any from your enemy if he's standing on a point with your...
Also, math wise, Starbone SK deals way less damage, even buffed to their teeth.
Finished not long ago my test model of the Cold Ones. I hope to finish the mounts this month.
I'm loving your concept and your style. Keep going.
No. If you read the "Description" section, it's stated that the skinks attack with the javelins, while the Skink Chief does with a Warspear. So,...
Man, I love how neat you painted them, they are far better than mine.
Okay, guys, I got nothing done last month. I played too much Dark Souls 3. This month, I'll get more realistic goals. So I'd like to: - Finish...
Check this https://www.lostkingdomminiatures.com/es/saurian-ancients-cuetzpal/166-89-whirlwind-of-energy.html#/27-soportes-sin_soportes It's not...
Thanks you very much.
Wow, that's impresive. I love it. Can you explain or link to a video about how you did the horns? They look fantastic.
Oh shit, you're right. I've been using this CA wrong. Thanks you for pointing my error.
Thanks. I think you'll use your two units of 5 to take any point or as a screen, right? I haven't tried Knights outside Koatl's Claw, a Scar Vet...
There's only one list and looks like something I'd bring to a tournament, to be honest. Kroaq, Astrolith, Sallys, a blob of Skinks and screens.
Looks good to me. The only thing you missed is to give the Keywords of Starborne/Coalesced. Since you're running the Cloak of Feathers, you are...