Kings of war is a *lot* faster to play than 8th. Experienced players can comfortably manage a game at 2000 points(tournament standard, and roughly...
I wouldn't actually describe 'Kill' as the default scenario, even if it is arguably the simplest, because it doesn't really represent the overall...
Generally speaking, just find/convert something that you like the look of. Exact physical descriptions are lacking, except a vague reference to...
My own guidelines are to try and have at least one terrain piece in each two foot square section of board, and maybe a few obstacles. As to the...
Myself, I think the best thing about the KoW rules in managing the problems of a strict turn based system is that it sets very good limits on how...
The Salamander army, along with most of the other close parallels to WFB armies, is in the 'Uncharted Empires' expansion. Of the Salamander units...
Overall a good list, but I'd recommend a correction for the Twilight Kin-the current list isn't a Beta testing version of the final list, it's a...
Yes, it is, or to use less negative terms a lot more streamlined, elegant, and practical, which for me is its big advantage over them as a game. A...
To provide a summary of my own favourite aspects of the game- Practicality-Quite simply, the Rules work, both in the sense of the armies being...
Hey guys, I wrote up a battle report playtesting the Kings of War Salamander list. Somewhat different than the 8th ed lizardmen I'm accustomed to,...
Well, Exoatl is better than Waaghkin(seriously?) or Dawikorr, but really the new background sounds like a more boring version of our previous one...
The important distinction here is that Privateer press made a skirmish game, and put effort into developing it as a skirmish game, rather than...
I also voted other, that other being a complete rebalancing of the game, since the problem is in the over all balance rather than in one specific...
So, the disciplined temple guard are in loose skirmish formation, and the skinks are neatly lined up in square ranks?! Kind of the opposite to...
Pretty much sums up my opinions on that possibility, except that I can easily add a further 4-5 skirmish games to the list of games I'd prefer to...
Well, I'm indifferent, but only because I've already given up on warhammer in favour of Kings of War, so 9th no longer really affects me....
A complex and well written rules set isn't necessarily bad, but warhammer is not one of those rules sets. It's just complex, even where it doesn't...
A lot of the problem here is, Eighth edition has become increasingly hostile to infantry blocks. High strength template weapons, increasingly...
It has potential, but if you're primarily concerned about boosting WS and I lore of light is a lot more effective than high magic-it has one spell...
Since these rules seem to give a wandering deliberations slann knowledge of all eight end-times spells from the rulebook lores, feels like they...