Why spend points on a dual slann, when your cheap skink priest now has loremaster, additional 'end times' spells, and 4d6 magic dice, for a mere...
With 50% Lords and 50% Heroes, every unit in the lizardmen army is now subject to the harsh judgement of whether the points would be better used...
Also, units had a lot less attacks, due to a lack of supporting attacks and generally lower profiles, so 5 unbreakable wounds per swarm was a lot,...
Re: Nagash x Mazdamundi (WhiteDwarf SPOILER ALERT) An important distinction here is between a genuine alliance, and a temporary one based on a...
Personally, I see lizardmen more as an 'ally with anyone for as long as they're useful' faction than an 'ally with nobody' faction. They only...
Personally, I've found Tehenhauin a useful character, as long as you don't think of him as a fighter. Rather, he's a level 3 caster with a few...
The S test for Net of Amyntok is taken by the unit, not an individual model, so you use the highest value of any model in the unit. Can be a...
The "new" gyrobombers aren't the ones to watch out for, rather you should be wary of their smaller cousins that are now more easily available,...
With the points difference as low as it is, the only real reason to take a normal stegadon over an ancient is if you have no rare points to spare....
Besides combat resolution, there are several spells, special rules and magic items which modify leadership, and an "unmodified leadership test"...
Even that faq was ambiguous-it also ruled that razordons could flee when unable to stand and shoot. The only difference between the two questions...
Problem is, it isn't encouraging them to play aggressively, it's encouraging them to charge. Not quite the same thing, and in this case movement...
In the case of razordons, the restriction that they must stand and shoot explicitly applies only if they are able to, so there is absolutely no...
Not really any such thing as an underpowered wizard in 8th edition, and I've found lore of beasts very useful, espescially on a character who's...
Soul of stone is good miscast protection for a lone slann, but by itself not nearly enough to make it safe to put one in a temple guard unit,...
Also, high elves have a lot of ward saves but poor toughness, so banishment is a pretty good direct damage spell to have against them. It's always...
In a redirector, the inability to flee as a charge reaction becomes a pretty big tactical drawback, whilst the razordon's additional fighting...
Re: Have any of you tried using the Jungle Swarms in 8th edi Mostly four or five yes, which does seem to be the least useless unit size, though...
Re: Have any of you tried using the Jungle Swarms in 8th edi Having been playing with Tehenhauin as my general since the new book came out, I...
Re: How are everyone experiencing our "new"special character The new Tehenhauin as a general is about the only thing I actually like about the...