There isn't a more recent one, but the ruling that razordons are able to flee if unable to stand and shoot is from the same FAQ, and therefore...
The one time I swapped out my Terradon's javelins, I found the 6" difference in range more of a drawback than I expected, not just in limiting my...
Other advantages of Miasma- It can hex an opponents BS, which more than balances out boosting BS on one unit, in an army where only razordons...
I don't think you need to be fighting multiple characters to make the sword of anti-heroes worth taking, it just becomes stupidly overpowered if...
Personally, I take stegadons as pure melee fighters, and view anything they might achieve at range as an unexpected bonus-the giant bow rarely...
Re: Leaving out Temple Guards: a viable choice or a bad idea Problem is, while decent fighters, they aren't a very good bodyguard unit-t4 and a...
The odds are the same whichever way round you roll the dice. Important advantages of +1S rather than +1 to hit would be- Thunderstomp and impact...
Question 8 also applies to burning alignment, and to the area effect attack from the arc of sotek, which is clearly classed as a shooting attack...
Re: Does anyone think giving a Skink Cohort poison is worth Unfortunately, kroxigor in the second rank still only get their three supporting...
Doubtful-the mixed krink units were never quite suited to a main combat block role, and now they can lose the kroxigor are likely to do even...
One of the big limiting factors for saurus can be that S4 isn't always enough against high toughness or heavily armoured targets, so a scar-vet...
The spell type is "Augment" rather than "augment/hex", which I think limits it to friendly units only.
I think that firstly, an army with mobile S4 flame templates, S4 razordons, and saurus with bucketloads of S4 melee attacks has little particular...
True, it's a significant edge that where Temple guard have to be in combat to make use of the bonuses from wildform, skinks only have to be within...
As an easy to cast, cheap spell, it might be useful as part of a combination in a lore which also had more powerful augments, but as the *only...
Of the two builds, the ability to reroll the 1+ armour save will give better protection against anything except attacks which ignore armour, many...
More than that. 6 Swarms *if* they charge(unlikely) will average a grand total of one and a half wounds before being squashed, give or take a...
Page nine of the main rulebook faq, in the combat section. It's a general ruling on *any* unit which disintegrates rather than fleeing, but swarms...
Unfortunately, the faq was only that a unit can't overrun if it kills it's opponents through combat resolution, including a swarm which dies...